Thursday 17 November 2011

Assignment of Allied bank

Fahad Malik

Background of Organization

 Vision Statement

Ø Mission Statement

Stakeholders of Organization

         Community services
        Government roles
      Pressure Group
Ø  The Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP)

Allied Bank Limited was the first bank to be established in Pakistan. It started out in Lahore by the name Australasia Bank before independence in 1942; was renamed Allied Bank of Pakistan Limited in 1974 and then Allied Bank Limited in 2005.

In August 2004, because of capital reconstruction, the Bank’s ownership was transferred to a consortium comprising Ibrahim Leasing Limited and Ibrahim Group.
Today, with its existence of over 60 years, the Bank has built itself a foundation with a strong equity, assets and deposit base. It offers universal banking services, while placing major emphasis on retail banking. The Bank also has the largest network of over 800 online branches in Pakistan and offers various technology-based products and services to its diverse clientele.


Vision Statement

To become a dynamic and efficient bank providing integrated solutions in order to be the first choice bank for the customers.

Mission Statement

 To provide value added services to our customers
To provide high tech innovative solutions to meet customers’ requirements
To create sustainable value through growth, efficiency and diversity  for all stakeholders
To provide a challenging work environment and reward dedicated team members according to their abilities and performance
To play a proactive role in contributing towards the society


Board of Directors
Group Chief
Regional Chief
Zonal Chief
Branch Manager
Customer Services Manager
MG Officers (Branch)

There is a wide branch network of ABL in the country, now ABL has 766 branches and till 2011 they want to raise their branches up to more than 900.

Deposit Products

 Current Account
Allied Business Account
PLS Saving Deposits
Allied Basic Banking Account
Foreign Currency Deposits
PLS Term Deposit Account
Behtar Munafa account (BMA)
Allied Bachat Scheme (ABS)

Rate of Profit:

Deposit Amount
1 Month
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Rs.25,000 & Above



Management System:

Management plays an important role in the success of any business because it makes decision for organization and the success or failure depends on it. Decisions are very crucial for every Organization. Successful and profitable banking management depends on two basic principal factors that are as under:
1) The manner in which the function of banking that is the acquiring of deposits, the investing and converting such deposits into earning assets, and the serving of  such deposits are performed.
2) The degree to which officers and employees contribute their talents to the progress and welfare of the bank in discharging duties and responsibilities.

ABL Management:

In the entire world banks are managed by Board of Directors or similar group of persons who are responsible to the creditors, owners, Govt. and the obligations of the bank for the betterment and the wellbeing of their institution. All the directors of ABL or some of them are selected by the government. The management of ABL is as under;
In the management of Allied Bank Limited there are many Committees are involved which performs different functions like Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Auditors, Management, Risk Management Committee, Human Capital Committee and many others are involved, which I will describe here:

Structure of ABL:

There are some things that should know to the every employ of ABL to operate its operation efficiently and effectively. Every employee should know little bit about what do within a department, division or session. And these things which an employee should know that are as under:

  From where an employee receives work to do it
  What they should do after receiving the work from anyone
  How they are supposed to handle the operation and how can do it better
  When they are supposed to perform it
  To whom it will be given after finishing the work

Allied Bank specific environment includes:
Customers, Suppliers, competitors and Pressure Group


Allied Bank provides many facilities to its customers in order to create customer value. These services include credit card facility, opening an account, deposit and withdrawn of cash, credit creation and the most important is ATM facility and online payment and receipt.


Allied Bank makes ensure to provide efficient supply of its resources at lower possible price. The supplies include supply of I.T based equipments and office related devices. Banks strategy is creating partnership on specific term and conditions so that bank regulate its daily working tasks.


Allied has to compete with other banks like Metro bank, Equitable PCI Bank, and Land Bank of the Philippines. The bank tries its level best to provide better performance than its competitors. For this it introduces different credit scheme and facilities to employees and staff members by providing them incentives and improves their responsiveness to customers.

Pressure Groups:

Allied bank faces different special-interest groups that affects their performance favorably or unfavorably depends on how it takes the pressure of these groups. These pressure groups are Chartered Accountant Firms or any other related party who can make check and balance on the performance of bank financial position and ethical behaviors.


government roles
community service
pressure group

Community Services:                                  
Ø Donation to education like IBA, LUMS
Ø Organized cricket tournament
Ø Donation to hospitals
Ø Promoting culture activity like mango festival is organized on every year at mid of summer season.
Ø Organized Independence Day celebration
Ø Promoting saving hap it’s in children by introducing like rising sector especially design for minor age
Allied Bank offers the following services to its customers:
 Home Remittances
 Hajj Services
 Utility Bills
 Commodity Operation
Direct competition with the following banks:
National Bank
Habib Bank
Muslim Commercial Bank
United Bank
All these banks have almost equal revenue as of Allied Bank and they have almost same number of branches operating in every area of the country and also providing the services to other inside cities.

Government Roles

Ø Banking company ordinance 1962

Ø State bank prudential regulation

Ø Allied bank interviews banking policies

Ø Foreign exchange act 1947

Ø Electronic commerce act

Ø Financial institution recovery ordinance 2001 

Allied bank these points are follows by government roles and state bank of Pakistan.

Union :                   

Two types of union

Ø 1. At low level as assistant grate union which is basically establish to work for lower level staff like taller, assistant messengers, and securities guards.
Ø 2. Other one is officer federation support the right of officers in allied bank.
Ø This trade union protects the rights of employees whenever issue arises. These provide them assistance in increasing their salary, benefits and other incentives.

Allied Bank provides following services to its employees.

Training Academic:

Allied Bank Limited has five training academies, two in Lahore, two in Karachi, and one in Islamabad.  In these training academies the new as well as the existing staff get training.  When a new employee comes in ABL then most often he is sent to any of these academies for training.  The training period may be minimum of one-month up to maximum of one year.  The training period depends upon the nature of the job.  During the training the new employees are acquainted with all the necessary information about their jobs.

Employees Matters:

Allied Bank policy is very socialistic about its employees, its motto is:
“Every employee is the owner of the bank”
Literally the bank has given power to even an officer to sell the ABL assets; the authority of an employee is unlimited. This attitude encourages the employees to get most involved in to the bank affairs. ABL also provides lot of facilities to the employees. Here is a list of loans and leaves, which can be granted to the employees.
 There are many types of employees who work in allied bank of Pakistan like
Management staff, level of employee, managerial or non managerial, department head

I also visited allied bank temple road branch Lahore and I saw maximum 20 to 30 people employed over there.

Pressure Group 

Ø Like state bank of Pakistan to pressurized to other banking sector like Habib bank, Allied Bank, United Bank, National Bank of Pakistan .Ltd etc
State bank of Pakistan to order banking sector or pressurized changed the policy’s exchange rate and so on

The Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP) is Pakistan’s only recognized Institute dedicated to providing technical training services for the banking industry in the country. The Institute’s mission is to train and develop a sound human resource base for the financial sector and to work for continuous learning and professional development of bankers.
Established in 1951 with the technical support and partnership of the Institute of Bankers (UK), IBP is a not-for-profit entity incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1984.


IBP offers a wide range of training programs that cater to the financial services industry. IBP trains the employees of allied bank
 Certified, Standardized and Assessment-Based Training Programs

 Internationally Accredited Programs

 Customized Programs 


Assessment Services

The assessment services offered by the IBP are exclusively designed for large organizations, especially financial institutions to leverage our expertise of selecting the best candidate for your organization. The Institute specializes in providing Training Needs Analysis, Personality Assessments, Computer Literary testing, entry level training for officers, specific functions training for branch tellers, group discussions, Leadership Styles and Team Efficiency evaluations.
IBP also provide the assessment services of allied bank.

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